December 20th Black Walnut Was Different

The Black Walnut Acoustic Open Stage on December 20, 2013 was different. We had a smaller turnout than most months, which is not unusual for our December Club date. After all of the Open stage performers did two songs each, we had our Christmas prize draw and the we had a song circle where everybody got close to the center of the hall and we went around the circle in a random manner a few times with anybody who had a good song to contribute taking turns.

Next month on January 17th we will have a very different program with a concert by the Ever Lovin’ Jug Band who will do two sets for us. We will have a break from the Open Stage in January. This is not a sign of things to come but rather a special celebration of our 20th season of the Black Walnut Club. You can check out the Ever Lovin’ Jug Band and their “Tri-City Stomp Album” at www.everlovinjugband.caOn December 20th the open stage perfromers were:
Jack Guest, Dan Hergott, Jakki Annerino, Randy Ouillette,
Wayne Cheater, Scott Abrams, and David Maranta.