May 17, 2019, Black Walnut Report

On Friday May 17, 2019 Our Open Stage “For the Second Homeless” had a smaller turnout of 12 performers but most played 3 songs each. We also tried out a new wireless mixer technology which Thanks to Dan Hergott worked really well and reduced the size and weight of our transportation of equipment. Ian Reid was back following a long absence from the Black Walnut. He asked does anybody know why it is called “Black Walnut?” Does anybody know? On May 17th the Open stage Performers were:
1. Patrick LeBlanc
2. Ian Reid
3. Ron Hammar
4. Jakki Annerino
5. David Maranta
6. Lawrence Cresswell
7. Pop Robinson (Paul) – NEW
8. Wayne Cheater
9. Matthias Schonlau
10. Human
11. Jack Cole
12. Isaac – NEW