Mill Race Festival July 29-31 Will Feature Black Walnuts

The Mill Race Festival of Traditional Folk Music in Cambridge, ON will feature sing-a-rounds at The South Waterloo Naval Veterans Hall. 30 Cambridge Street (@ Thorne Street) on Saturday July 30 and Sunday July 31 from about 1 pm – about 5:30 pm. The Black Walnut Folk Club will host those on Saturday from 1-3pm, hosted by Don Sawchuk and again on Sunday from 3-4:30pm, hosted by Jakki and Wayne. If you wish to lend a hand or sing along just meet us there. If you want to bring an instrument but don’t want to carry it around all day or leave it in your vehicle, you can deposit it for safekeeping at the the Festival instrument lock-up at the Cambridge Centre for the Arts on Thorne Street.  It is a terrific festival and it is free.

For more info on the festival please check out and buy a program. Other BWFC regulars will be involved and performing including Terry Golletz/Zubrivka, and Bob MacLean.