I just want to let everyone know that after 30 years we are closing down the Black Walnut Open Stage. May will be our last open mic. We have been at the Mill Courtland Community Centre since September 2000 and they have been very supportive of our open mic nights. The centre will be closing for an 18 months long renovation, so we decided that this is a good time to complete this musical adventure. I have been part of the organizing group almost since the beginning in 1994. It has been a highly supportive venue for performers of all skill levels to share their music with a listening audience. We’ve had an eclectic mix of music over the years from hundreds of talented performers from far and wide. We have had a dedicated team of volunteers to run sound, set up and provide refreshments. For me personally, I am so grateful to have been part of this. I have met so many amazing musicians and have made so many wonderful friends over the years. I will really miss the Black Walnut. After the May open stage, we will sell our equipment and donate the proceeds plus any funds in the bank to local charities. Thank you so much to all the musicians and volunteers, present and past, for making the Black Walnut Open Stage the great success it has been. Our final 4 dates are:
Fridays, February 21, March 21, April 18 and May 16 in case you’d like to come out one last time. We’d love to see you!!! Doors Open at 7:15 for musician sign-up. 216 Mill St. Back entrance.
Here is the Black Walnut timeline for those who are interested. Autumn 1994-Waterloo Region Arts Council Office, February 1995 -Gerritt’s Village Tavern, July 1995 – Jester’s Court (the current Boathouse), September 1997- Laurel Room, September 2000 to present – Mill Coutland Community Centre.