Randy Ouillette Rocked Out The Folk Club On March 19

Friday, March 19 was a great night for folkies who stayed close to home for the Spring Break.  Randy Ouillette on Guitar and vocals was backed up by Dan Hergott who added his guitar and vocals.    Their set was full of bright guitar picking and slide playing. Dan even sang a couple of the songs, which was not a surprise since Dan and Randy have been performing as a team for several months at the BWFC. Then we were treated to 12 acts for the open stage sets.

The download links will go right over their picture on the performer’s pictures page. To listen to the set and the encore click these 2 players:

Feature Set: 


Next month we will welcome Sylvia Chapman as our featured guest on April 16th.The open stage Performers were:

1) Carol McMullin,  2) Mr. Jack, 3) Barry Cull, 4) Jakki Annerino, 5) Dan Kearney, 6) Wayne Cheater,

After the Break: 7) Randy Ouillette and Dan Hergott (encore) 8)Terry Golletz, 9) Cam and Pat, 10) Jay Moore, 11) Mad Melly (new), 12) Rapper Rhyme (new)