On Friday, September 16th we started our 23rd season of the Black Walnut with a fine evening of music. Our new equipment all worked fine. We saw some folks who have not been around for a long time and welcomed the world premiere of a great 4 piece band (3 ukuleles, one guitar and 4 voices).
On September 16th, we had a great turnout, in-spite of a lot of other stuff happening that night. The open stage performers were:
1. Dan Hergott with Randy O.
2. Gord, Lorraine, Ann & Dan *New group – guitar and 3 ukuleles
3. David Maranta
4. Randy Ouillette
5. Jakki Annerino with Wayne C.
6. Terry Krentzkamp with David M.
7. Neil Light
8. Lawrence Cresswell
9. Paul Rempel
10. Ron Hammar
11. Scott Abrams
12. Cam & Pat
13. Paul Horton
14. Wayne Cheater with David M.