The February 21st All Open Stage Was Full of Surprises

On Friday, February 21, 2014, we had a good turnout and plenty of Surprises, including another cake, some no-shows by some regulars, return of folks from a-ways back and a debut by Natalia Valencia, who is a very promising young performer.  We hope we get to see her again real soon.

We’ll be back on Friday March 21, 2014 with another all open stage program.  If you don’t come out, you’ll miss it.  On February 21st our Open Stage performers were:

Lawrence Cresswell,  Loretta Fullerton,  David Maranta,  Randy Ouillette, Jakki Annerino,  Natalia Valencia – NEW,  Scott Abrams,  Jacob and Greg,   Cam and Pat,  Wayne Cheater,  Jim Galway,  Greg and Jacob