On Friday, January 20, Tom Massiah started the evening at the Black Walnut Folk Club with a 30 min set of mostly original songs. We had a good size of audience and they were all treated to a fine set of Tom’s songs, his mellow voice and his artful guitar accompaniments. Tom Massiah is a singer/songwriter who lives south of Woodstock in Otterville. He has been playing off and on at BWFC for 8 or 9 years. We have a photo of Tom on our “Performers’ Pictures” page.Click here to play a recording of Tom’s set:
The open stage had 13 performers and followed Tom’s set. Next month on February 17 we will have another evening of all open stage.
On January 20, 2012 the open stage performers were:
Jack Guest
Dan Hergott
David Skura
Dan Kearney
Randy Ouillette
Glen & Mary Gifkins
David Maranta (followed by a short break)
Jakki Annerino
Lynn Kirby
Scott Abrams
Cam and Pat
Wayne Cheater
Jim Galway