Category: Live acoustic music

  • May 19th Was Black Walnut for the 2nd Homeless

    On Friday, May 19th we started the long weekend off in style/ Rather than heading off to the 2nd home, we had a fine evening at the Mill Courtland Community Centre. Our last Open Stage for the season on Friday June 16th will start with a feature performance by DJAM Jazz Combo. David, Jeff and Mike have played for us before. This time they will be recoding a video of a 30 minute set at the Black Walnut. Then we will be off for the summer. Our next Open Stage will be Friday September 15th 2017.

    Our performers on May 19th were:

    1. Ted Shapiro, 2. Dan McQuade, 3. Dan Hergott,

    4. Randy Ouillette, 5. Scott Abrams, 6. David Maranta,

    7. Rebecca and Cathy, 8. Jakki Annerino, 9. Wayne Cheater,

    10. Cathy King, 11. Ron Hammar, 12. Chris Bacon & Denise Duval – NEW,

    13. Denise Duval

  • Our Next Open Stage Will Be Friday, May 19th

    On Friday May 19th, 2017 we will be back at the Mill Courtland Community Centre for our monthly Open Stage. There will be no feature set this month so that means lots of time for Open Stage performers.
    Bring your guitars, accordions, voices, acoustic instruments of all sorts or just your eyes and ears and make yourself feel “at home”.  Do not feel shy because you have not played for us before.  The doors will open and sign-up for the open stage will start at 7:30 pm. Remember when you sign up you get to play/sing two songs in a set of 10 minutes or less and you need to be ready to start playing when your turn starts so you won’t lose any of your 10 minutes.
    The details are outlined on our About Page.  The parking is free at the back of the Mill-Courtland Community Centre and admission is still $3 at the door. the facility is wheelchair accessible, alcohol, smoke and peanut free and every show is different. If you don’t come, you’ll miss it. The next open stage will be June 16th.
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  • Open Stage on April 21, 2017 New, New, New

    On Friday, April 21, 2017 we had a two NEW Open Stage performers. We had a NEW sound guy, Nick Czudyjowycz  who took over at the end of the setup and did a fine production. We had NEW treats – bags of chips and such. Our next open stage night is Friday, May 19th.  On April 21st, our Open Stage performers were:

    1. David Maranta
    2. Don
    3. Bob & Sue
    4. Don, Lorraine, Ann & Gord
    5. Jeff Beckner
    6. Ann & Gord
    7. Jakki Annerino
    8. Lawrence Cresswell
    9. Doug Peterman – NEW
    10. Wayne Cheater
    11. Rebecca Nickers – NEW , Cathy King
    12. Ron Hammar
    13. Cathy King

    Ann & Gord, Sue and Bob and Don & friends did an extra song.

  • March 17 Was a Night for the Irish and the Ukeleles

    On Friday, March 17, 2017 we had a extra large lineup of 18 Open Stage performers. I warned you that ther could be some Irish music and yes, there was some. There were more ukuleles and more costumes than we get most nights. I will not try to write all the details, you had to be there. Our next open stage night is Friday, April 21st.  On March 17th, our Open Stage performers were:
    1. Rob & Geralyn
    2. Mike & Tamara Monaghan
    3. Lawrence Cresswell
    4. Jason Rogers
    5. Gord & Anne
    6. Jakki Annerino
    7. Sylvia Sawatsky
    8. Jim Skura
    9. Neil Light
    10. Ron Hammar
    11. Bob & Sue
    12. Wayne Cheater (with Wally and Sylvia)
    13. Jim Penny
    14. David Maranta
    15. Don Edwards
    16. Janet McPharlin
    17. Mike MacLennan
    18. Scott Abrams
  • February 17th Black Walnut Was a Different Show

    On Friday, February 17, 2017 we had a full slate of 16 Open Stage performers including 2 first timers. I will not try to write all the details, you had to be there. Our next open stage night is Friday, March 17th. There could even be some Irish music. On February 17th, our Open Stage performers were:

    1. Mike Monaghan
    2. Dan Hergott
    3. Jack Cole
    4. Randy Oillette
    5. Dan McQuade
    6. David Maranta
    7. Jakki Annerino
    8. Jason Rogers
    9. Gord and Ann
    10. Sylvia Sawatsky
    11. Wayne Cheater
    12. Janet McPharlin – NEW
    13. Bill Vanderwal – NEW
    14. Walli Sawatsky
    15. Neil Light
    16. Cam and Pat
  • New and Old at the January 10, 2017 Black Walnut

    On Friday, January 20th, we were treated to many returning artists and to three acts featuring 5 folks who performed at the Black Walnut for their very first time. Wha-hoo! Most chose to do 3 songs/tunes and we made a full evening of it. We will be back on Friday February 17th for our next Acoustic Open Stage. On January 20th, The performers in order of appearance were:

    1. Bob & Sue Cutler – NEW
    2. Dan Hergott
    3. Jason Rogers – NEW
    4. Gord and Ann
    5. Randy Ouillette
    6. Jakki Annerino
    7. Peter van der Maas
    8. Sylvia & Walli Sawatsky – NEW
    9. Scott Abrams
    10. Ron Hammar
    11. Cam & Pat
    12. Wayne Cheater
    13. David Maranta

  • We Had a Big Night November 18th

    Yes, on Friday, November 18, 2016 we had a full slate of Open Stage Performers and full tables all around the room. We’ll be back with some seasonal treats on Friday, December 16, 2016 at 8pm. The Open Stage Performers on November 18th were:
    1. Mike & Tamara Monaghan
    2. David Maranta
    3. Dan Hergott
    4. Ed Barrington
    5. Jakki Annerino
    6. Randy Ouillette
    7. Lawrence Cresswell
    8. Gord and Ann
    9. Scott Abrams
    10. Jack Cole
    11. Peter Van der Maas
    12. Cam and Pat
    13. Terry & Jim Krentzkamp
    14. Ron Hammar
    15. Wayne Cheater
    16. Scott Chalmers and Dan McQuade

  • Black Walnut Acoustic Open Stage, October 21, 2016

    On Friday, October 21st we had an excellent showing of musicians and listeners.  We saw some new folks and were treated to more female performers than usual and mostly duets and/or accompanied artists. I’ll put some pictures of the more recent performers on our “Performers’ Pictures” page.

    On October 21st,  The open stage performers were:

    1. Lawrence Cresswell
    2. Terry & Beth Krentzkamp
    3. Dan Hergott with Randy Ouillette
    4. Ron Hammar
    5. Jakki Annerino with Wayne Cheater
    6. Randy Ouillette with Dan Hergott
    7. David Maranta & Jeff Wilmer
    8. Ann Mark and Gord Castle
    9. Neil Light
    10. Wayne Cheater with Jakki Annerino
    11. Scott Abrams
    12. Kyle and Mike (NEW)
    13. Paul Horton
    14. Jeremy Maloney
    15. Mike & Tamara Monaghan
    16. Cam & Pat

  • Season Opener For Black Walnuts Was September 16, 2016

    On Friday, September 16th we started our 23rd season of the Black Walnut with a fine evening of music. Our new equipment all worked fine. We saw some folks who have not been around for a long time and welcomed the world premiere of a great 4 piece band (3 ukuleles, one guitar and 4 voices).

    On September 16th, we had a great turnout, in-spite of a lot of other stuff happening that night.  The open stage performers were:

    1. Dan Hergott with Randy O.
    2. Gord, Lorraine, Ann & Dan *New group – guitar and 3 ukuleles
    3. David Maranta
    4. Randy Ouillette
    5. Jakki Annerino with Wayne C.
    6. Terry Krentzkamp with David M.
    7. Neil Light
    8. Lawrence Cresswell
    9. Paul Rempel
    10. Ron Hammar
    11. Scott Abrams
    12. Cam & Pat
    13. Paul Horton
    14. Wayne Cheater with David M.
  • Onion Honey, Opened with Great Performance May 20th

    On Friday May 20th, 2016 “Onion Honey” started our evening with a 30 minute set. “A pair of pseudo-gingers with banjos, Esther Wheaton and David Pike started playing music together around the same time they started cooking together and watching dozens of astronomy documentaries together; the result is a deliciously stellar blend of old-time and traditional folk tunes that will tug at heartstrings and set feet a-tappin’.

    They have played all over Southern Ontario and toured the Maritimes – downtown streets and uptown theatres, sunny fields and dingy cafés, living rooms, farmers’ markets, and once a hot air balloon festival.

    Originally a duo, Onion Honey have lately grown to four with the addition of local folkies Michelle Horel and Stuart Cybulskie. We will post a photo of Esther, David, Michelle and Stuart on our “Performers” page.

    Their warm and engaging manner and playing of the banjo, mandolin, guitar, banjolele, double bass, and washboard in their pursuit of the sounds of the past stuck the sweet spot for us on May 20th.

    Our next Acoustic Open Stage evening will be Friday, June 17, 2016. After the feature set, on Friday May 20th, we enjoyed a fine open stage session, including 2 first timers as follows:

    1. Rick Hehner
    2. Paul Horton
    3. Jack Cole
    4. Randy Ouillette
    5. Lawrence Cresswell
    6. Jakki Annerino
    7. Ron Hammar
    8. Jeremy Maloney – NEW
    9. Wayne Cheater
    10. Scott Abrams
    11. David Maranta
    12. Cam and Pat
    13. Mike MacLellan – NEW