Author: Wayne

  • Folk Club March 21, 2008

    On Friday night, March 21 we will welcome Jenn Ryan as our featured performer at 8:00 pm sharp. Jenn says, “People can visit for more info and some songs.” Jenn has been visiting the folk club frequently and treating us to a couple of songs each time.  We look forward to a longer set next Friday. 
    Last month Dan Hergott got away from our sound board and took center stage for a feature set to start the evening.  See the picture on our recent performers page. Dan was joined by: Cathy King,  – Piano, Accordion and Jombay and vocals, Ellen Hergott – Vocals and Stan Starkey – Bass. 
  • Folk Club February 15, 2008

    Last month Jim Galway brought his songs and frieinds (Anne Moffat, Terry Golletz and yours truly, Wayne Cheater) to sing and play along. See their photo on the performers page. This month, Friday,  February 15 Dan Hergott will get away from our sound board and take center stage for a feature set to start the evening.  We have been told that he is bringing some special guests for his back-up band.  We are deeply grateful to Dan for making us all sound good every month so this month it will be a special treat to listen to him.

  • Folk Club January 18, 2008

    Last month Sweet Grass– Amanda Brewer and Warren Muzak brought us fine set of his original songs and sweet harmonies. See their photo on the performers page.  The next two months are planned as follows: 

    – January 18, 2008 with Jim Galway who has not given us more than a couple of songs at a time for several years.  Jim is part of the BWFC committee and his professional skill for servicing of electronic equipment has saved a lot of our sound gear.   Jim hs been very active in presenting and supporting the Mill Race Folk Club’s twice monthly sessions for folk singers to gather and sing/jam at a variety of venues in their search for new home(s).