Author: Wayne

  • Final Black Walnut Folk Club for 2009 Featured Jack Cooper

    Jack Cooper heated up the hall on a cold night with original songs from his CD, entitled “Land of Plenty”, one cover song and some new original songs.  Jack is an accomplished singer-songwriter and one of the founding members of the Black Walnut Folk Club. He has released CDs of original songs and you can check out his varied activities , including music publishing at  We had a fine turnout for 1 weeek before Christmas.  The club celebrated with some door prizes and festive candy treats.

    We posted our photo of Jack Cooper on the performer’s pictures page.

    The open stage Performers were:

    1) Mr. Jack, 2) Dan Hergott, 3) Jim Rolston , 4) Jim Galway, 5) Jakki Annerino, 6) David Maranta, 7) Randy Ouillette,

    After the Break: 8)Wayne Cheater, 9) Barry Culb, 10) Cam & Pat, 11) Anonymous Performer, 12) Jay Linden

  • Acoustic Café Magazine

    AND: I have had this message from Annie M passed on:  “I was wondering if you would be able to have this link accessible on the Blackwalnut Folk Club Website…It’s a reprinted online version of the Acoustic Café Magazine from 1996-97. This is the hard copy publication that I used to managed all those years ago and just managed to access the files electronically. As Chloë and myself, were the editors of the magazine, sole copyright of the articles were held by the publisher, myself via purple paw publications.”

    I’m constantly adding more articles to the site…Hope you enjoy it….Sure does bring back alot of good memories.
    Here is the link:

  • Jack Cole Opened a Big Night of Music and Sing-a-long Nov. 20

    The hall was just about full and Jack Cole led off the evening with his original “Canadian Tire Song” followed by a set of songs by Canadian singer-songwriters and lots of sing-a-long parts.  Jack’s set was followed by 13 acts for the open stage.
    Here’s two versions of a recording that Dan Hergott made of Jack Cole’s set. First: the pure board mix. Two things to note are that the first 49 sec. are silent and the guitar is in the right channel/speaker so you probably need to turn that speaker down or point it away from you while you are listening so that you can hear the vocal.

    Second: A mono remixed and edited down version for those who don’t want to wait to load the larger file or rebalance the two channels.

    We posted our photo of Jack  on the performer’s pictures page. Next month we will welcome back Jack Cooper as our featured guest.

    The open stage Performers were:

    1) Mr. Jack, 2) Dan Hergott, 3) Jay Linden, 4) Terry Golletz, 5) Jakki Annerino, 6) Gerard Dick, 7) Randy Ouillette,

    After the Break: 8)Bob MacLean, 9) Wayne Cheater, 10) Cam & Pat, 11) Jim Galway, 12) Rick McLaren, 13)  Rosie and Wally

  • Folk Club October 16 Featured Suzanne Doyle

    Suzanne Doyle led off the evening with a fine set of songs featuring her strong voice and her own very solid solid guitar accompaniment. Suzanne’s set was followed by 14 acts for the open stage.  We posted our photo of Suzanne  on the performer’s pictures page. Next month we will welcome back Jack Cole as our featured guest.

    We had to call on Irena and other regular helpers to help  Kate out with stocking and running the coffee bar.  Thanks ever so much.  We still are sending out a call for help for the coming months for anybody who can help out with the refreshments at folk club that could be either or all of shopping for supplies, stocking and setting up the serving area on club night, making and selling coffee and other treats and cleanup at the end of the evening.

    The open stage Performers were:

    1) Dave Webster (NEW!), 2) Jack Guest, 3) Terry Krentzkamp, 4) Jakki Annerino, 5) Randy Ouillette, 6) Dan Hergott

    After the Break: 7) Bob MacLean 8)Terry Golletz, 9) Cam & Pat, 10) David Maranta, 11) Jim Galway, 12) Jeremiah, 13)  Chris Lobsinger, 14) Wayne Cheater,

  • Folk Club on September 18 Featured David Maranta

    It was a fine evening in every respect, with a great set of all new songs by David Maranta to start the evening in style.  We had a near record attendance and a full roster of 16 acts for the open stage that followed.  We posted a photo from our file on the performer’s pictures page. Next month we will welcome back Suzanne Doyle as our featured guest.

    We had to call on Irena and Lynda to cover the coffee bar.  Thanks ever so much to both of you.  here’s a call for help for the coming months for anybody who can help out with the refreshmentsat folk club that could be either or all of shopping for supplies, stocking and setting up the serving area on club night, making and selling coffee and other treats and cleanup at the end of the evening.

    The open stage Performers were:

    1) Ed Barrington, 2) Jim Hodges, 3) Terry Golletz, 4) Bob MacLean, 5) Jakki Annerino, 6) Randy Ouillette, 7) Jack Cole

    After the Break: 8)Lynn Kirby & sons – Gaelani, Fraser & Callum, 9) Cam & Pat, 10) Jay Linden, 11) Jack Guest, 12) Annie M. & Kris Miles, 13) Wayne Cheater, 14) Sam Nordquist & Terry Krentzkamp, 15) Jim Galway, 16) Jeremiah

  • Join Us for a Sing-around at the Mill Race Festival August 2

    The Campfire was a good idea because it was a cold night last Saturday, July 11.  There was a good turnout and lots of songs, chatter and good cheer at Jim and Irena’s place.  Hey, it did not rain!   The storm & lightning earlier that day did split the big fruit tree next to the fire pit, but Jim had that all cleared away before we arrived.

    That’s all for the club until September 18th except:  On Sunday August 2 at 5 PM to 6:45 PM, The Black Walnut Folk Club will host a sing-around as part of the Millrace Festival of Traditional Folk Music.  You are invited to bring your acoustic instrument, your songs and yourself to join in the song-circle/jam session. Even if you aren’t prepared to lead a song or play/sing along, just come to listen, cheer and buy refreshments for the session leaders, Jakki and Wayne.

    The sing-around takes place in the Galt room (Upstairs) at the 13 Main Street Grill (Cafe 13), in Cambridge.  Admission is free and food / refreshments can be ordered from the fine establishment which is our host.  The festival is probably the best folk festival in Southern Ontario this summer and it is free!  It starts friday evening, July 31 and continues through to late Sunday evening at stages scattered through the compact downtown of the Galt part of Cambridge.  check out their  web page at

  • Folk Club on June 19th featured Closer to Rich

    On Friday June 19th, the Black Walnut Folk Club welcomed Richard Garvey and his band of  musical pals “Far From Rich” in our opening, feature spot.  the band consisted of Richard Garvey-guitar & vocal, Dan Henshall-mandolin & banjo, Josef Bell-bass, Evan Ossington-djembe & Laura Ashfield-vocals. They treated us to their more rootsy stuff on Friday night.  Richard  first performed at the club on April 17th with Matt Donnely.  For some more info about the April club and others  please check out the previous postings, below.  We are gonna post a photo of the group right away on our “peformers pictures” page.

    It was a terrific evening with 56 folk in attendance and for the open stage we had 18 acts, including 5 “newbies” – first time performing at the Folk Club:

    Before the break: 1)Pete Lippert – NEW, 2)Bob Cadman – NEW, 3)Jack Guest, 4)Dan Henshall – NEW,5)Jakki Annerino (with Wayne), 6)Suzanne Doyle – NEW, 7)Randy Ouillette with Dan Hergott.

    After the Break:8)Fern, Ed & Ed Burnett, 9)David Fougere, 10)Tom & Trudy –(NEW) Malleck, 11)Brian & Jen Gordon, 12)Jay Linden, 13)Cam, Pat & Jeremiah, 14)Crispin Pemberton, 15)Nargiz – NEW, 16)Bruce, 17)Jim Galway, 19)Wayne (with Jim and Jeremiah).

    Looking ahead to the summer, we  will be heading out to Jim’s & Irena’s for the annual campfire that they host for our club on July 11th.  We’ll take the rest of the summer off to enjoy the festivals and everything else that’s going on.  Our next Club will be back at the Mill-Coutland Community Centre on September 18th.

  • Folk Club May 15th Featured Kris Miles.

    On May 15, The Black Walnut Folk Club featured local singer-songwriter Kris Miles. Kris stated the evening off with a fine set of his songs and some charming banter including updates on what he has been up to. 

    The audience was larger than last month.   Dan was not able to stay and look after our sound, but he did start the setup for us.  Jim Galway, who has managed the sound many times before stepped up and with lots of help we got everything to work . Thanks to Jim for giving us all a great sound, and to everyone who pitched-in this month and every month. We had 13 acts for the open stage which followed Kris’ set. You can see a photo of the Kris  now on our Performers’ Pictures page. Thanks go to Terry Krentzkamp for his cell-phone photo.  Nobody had a camera!

    Our May  performers were Before the Break: 1) David Maranta 2) Aaron Crain & Laura Giberson –NEW –  3) Annie M 4) Jack Guest 5) Jakki Annerino 6) Terry Krentzkamp 7) Randy Ouillette

    After the Break:8)Wayne Cheater) 9) Jay Collins 10) Cam & Pat 11) Jay Linden 12) Jim Galway 13) Chris Lobsinger  Chris was joined by Annie M for a finale of a song by our greatly missed founding member Robin Bruce-Ward

  • Folk Club April 17th Featured Brian Gordon

    On April 17, The Black Walnut Folk Club featured singer-songwriter Brian Gordon. Brian stated the evening off with a fine set of songs from his CD and some to be released on an upcoming recording. There’s more info on that CD, “everywhere’s the sun”  including music samples at  The smallish audience of 31 was treated to a fine set for which they showed great appreciation. We had 14 acts for the open stage which followed Brian’s set. You can see a photo of the Brian now on our Performers’ Pictures page.

    Our April performers were Before the Break: 1) Jenn Birnie  – NEW  2) Rebecca –NEW – and Sam Nordquist 3) Richard Harvey and Matt Donnelly – NEW  4) Randy Ouillette 5) Jakki Annerino 6) Dan Hergott and Stan 7) Terry Krentzkamp

    After the Break:8)Dan McQuade and Neil Doran (NEW) 9) David Maranta 10) Terry Golletz 11) Jay Linden 12) Bruce Williams – NEW  13) Lynn Kirby – NEW 14)Wayne Cheater

  • Folk Club March 20, with Farmington State

    On March 20, The Black Walnut Folk Club featured “Farmington State” to start the show.  The band consists of Chris Lobsinger on Guitars & pedal Steel, Shannon Penney -vocals, Dave MacPherson – vocals, guitars, Will Penney – vocals & guitars, AndyMacPherson  – Drums (quiet, small kit),    The show was a great mix of old time country, bluegrass and original songs. – All very sweet sounds.  We had a great turnout of 58 and we had 16 acts for the open stage.

    You can see a photo of the band now on our Performers’ Pictures page.

    Our March  performers were: Before the Break: 1) Jack Cooper 2) Debbi Moon  3) Dan McQuade 4) Jakki Annerino  5) Ellen Hergot 6) Dan Hergot 7) Randy Ouillette   

    After the Break: 8)Wayne Cheater with The “Waynettes”: Jakkie Annerino, Irena Baltaduonis, Linda Golletz, Cate Hempstead, Carol MacMillan 9) Terry Golletz  10) Mr. Jack  11) Jay Linden 12) Jim Galway 13) Sam Nordquist 14) Kris Miles (NEW) 15) Tom Mallek (NEW) 16) Michael Cavan