Author: Wayne

  • Folk Club March 20, with Farmington State

    On March 20, The Black Walnut Folk Club featured “Farmington State” to start the show.  The band consists of Chris Lobsinger on Guitars & pedal Steel, Shannon Penney -vocals, Dave MacPherson – vocals, guitars, Will Penney – vocals & guitars, AndyMacPherson  – Drums (quiet, small kit),    The show was a great mix of old time country, bluegrass and original songs. – All very sweet sounds.  We had a great turnout of 58 and we had 16 acts for the open stage.

    You can see a photo of the band now on our Performers’ Pictures page.

    Our March  performers were: Before the Break: 1) Jack Cooper 2) Debbi Moon  3) Dan McQuade 4) Jakki Annerino  5) Ellen Hergot 6) Dan Hergot 7) Randy Ouillette   

    After the Break: 8)Wayne Cheater with The “Waynettes”: Jakkie Annerino, Irena Baltaduonis, Linda Golletz, Cate Hempstead, Carol MacMillan 9) Terry Golletz  10) Mr. Jack  11) Jay Linden 12) Jim Galway 13) Sam Nordquist 14) Kris Miles (NEW) 15) Tom Mallek (NEW) 16) Michael Cavan

  • Folk Club February 20 was a Rocker

    On February 20, “Phree Beer”started things off in the Featured spot. The band consists of Jim Ellerman -vocals, Ralph Boegli – vocals, guitars and drums, Wayne Cheater – vocals & guitars, Brian Westwood – vocals & bass, William “Dill” Morrison  – vocals and keyboards and Mike “Missing in action”  Henderson – vocals drums & mandolin.   The show was a great opportunity for the band which had first met earlier in February to have a world premiere before their big show the next Friday at the 2009 Rock Revival, a charity for the Children’s Wish Foundation at Elements Niteclub. A total audience of 48 turned out to enjoy their show and the open stage.

    I have posted 2 photos of the band ( without Mike and his drums) and one photo of the entire band at the Rock Revival on our Performers Pictures page.

    Our February  performers were: Before the Break: 1) Jay Collins 2) Tina Dionne 3) David Maranta 4) Jakki Annerino  5) Terry Golletz  6) Randy Ouillette 7) Brian Gordon (NEW) After the Break: 8)Ed, Ed & Fern Burnett (NEW) 9) Dan Hergot 10) Jack Cooper 11) Roger Schmidt 12) Jay Linden 13) Jack Guest 14) Cam & Pat

  • Folk Club on January 16 was a full House.

    On January 16, Tina Dionne braved the cold and a bad sore throat  to fill the featured spot. Her show was fine  and a large audience just has to come out again to hear Tina when she can really sing out without the throat issue. Jakki took a photo of Tina  which  is about to appear on the Performers’ Pictures page. TTFN

    After Tina, our January performers were:

    Before the Break: 1) Crispin Pemberton-Pigot 2) Jack Guest 3) Greg Simpson, with Jay Collins 4) Terry Krentz Kamp 5) Jakki Annerino 6) Dan McQuade 7) Randy Ouilette

    After the Break:8)Terry Golletz 9) Jay Linden10) Ed Barrington 11) Jay Collins 12) Cam & Pat 13) Chris Lobsinger 14) Wayne Cheater

  • Folk Club November 21 was Well attended.

    On November 21, Debbie Moon started things off in the Featured spot. Her show was great and a total audience of 50 turned out to enjoy it and the open stage. I have a photo of Deb which I will add to our Performers Pictures page in a few minutes time. TTFN

    I recently saw Jeremiah’s Brantford Open Stage Page where he gives a list of each month’s performers. It is a great idea. SO: our November performmers were:

    Before the Break: 1)Tina Dionne 2)Dan McQuade 3)Terry Krentzkamp 4)Sam Nordquist and Stuart Watt (new) 5)Jakki Annerino 6)Randy Ouillette 7)Ed Barrington, Richard Reinhardt & Brian Westwood

    After the Break: 8)Wayne Cheater 9)Terry Golletz 10)John and Joel (new) Nielson 11)Brian Harvery (new) 12)David Maranta 13)Cam & Pat 14)Jim Galway 15)Jeremiah Budnark

  • Next Folk Club is Friday October 17 at 8:00 P.M.

    On October 17, the Black Walnut Folk Club will welcome back Jack Guest to our Featured spot.  Jack will start the evening off at 8:00 P.M. with a 1/2 hour mini-concert.  Jack has been playing in his own unique style of (barrel-house/blues/folk) for a long-long while.  If you haven’t heard him before, this is your big chance. 

    Last month we had an exceptional start for or season.  Thanks to Amy Campbell who gave us a terrific mini-concert.  It was her first CD Release concert for her brand-new double CD.  She had to put some more CDs on the table after the first lot sold-out.  See her photo on our performer page. We are still trying to track-down a better photo of Amy.  If you have one please send it to .

  • New Season Folk Club Friday September 19, 2008

    After the summer break our new season kicks off with a bang on Friday Night September 19 with a visit from Amy Campbell for the feature set at 8:00 PM.  I’ve loved Amy ever since her christening in Mount Pearl NF.  I won’t say when that was.

    Check out her soon to released 3rd CD at You can hear terrific samples, see pictures and read stuff like, “An east-coast transplant originally from Mount Pearl, Newfoundland, Campbell was voted best local female solo artist Halifax’s Reverb Magazine in 2003. Since the release of Architecture that same year, Campbell has toured Ontario, Quebec, and Eastern Canada and the US extensively, winning over the hearts of audiences across the province with her poignant songwriting and charismatic stage presence.”


    On  June 20 Sampson Nordquist was our featured performer.   He released his new CD, “Lost In Paradise”.  It is a beauty! Sam’s info is available at  Sam can also be previewed at along with several other BWFC performers, thanks to Sam.
    Now we will take a much deserved break for the summer.  Except, there will be the Campfire on July 12.  Ask somebody from the Club if you did not get your invitation.
    We’ll start our next season on Friday September 19, 2008.  I’ll get  the details out eventually.
  • Folk Club Friday, June 20, 2008

    On Friday night, June 20 Sam Nordquist will be our featured performer  at 8:00 pm.   Sam can be previewed at along with several other BWFC performers, thanks to Sam.
    Last month Jakki Annerino .was our featured performer. Jakki was aided and abetted by Jack Cooper and Debbie Moon for additional Vocals and your blog editor, Wayne Cheater for various accompaniments.  See their picture on our recent performers page. Nobody got hurt and allthough we set out extra tables there were people sitting at all of them and more besides.
    An extra special treat last month was the Black walnut “Folkout” for the Ontario Arts Council sponsored “SpOtlight on Artists in Kitchener” (See more below.)  We had a great turnoutfor three one-hour workshops featuring folks who have featured in recent 2-3 years with Jerimiah McCaw playing bass for everybody.
  • BWFC Celebrate Our Artists Weekend

    This  is hot news, more to come soon. 

    Look for a 20 page flyer in the Waterloo Region Record, Saturday May 31.


     SUNDAY –  JUNE  8, 2008  2-5 pm



    An afternoon
    of acoustic workshops Featuring local musicians

    Community Centre,
    216 Mill
    – Kitchener


    Call (519) 742-2584 for more information

    Presented in cooperation
    with the Cedar Hills Community Group






  • May 2008 Folk Club

    On Friday night, May 16 Jakki Annerino will start the evening off with a featured set of six original songs. at 8:00 pm.  Jakki will be aided and abetted by Jack Cooper and Debbie Moon for additional Vocals (& Harmonica?) and your blog editor, Wayne Cheater for various accompaniments.  Yes there may be some dancing, but hopefully nobody gets hurt.
    Last month Andrew Kerth was our featured performer. Our near sell-out crowd was singing along with Andrews original songs which have some very catchy choruses.  See his picture on our recent performers page.
    The following month,  June 20 Sam Nordquist will be our featured performer and then we will have our summer break.